
Protect - Explainer Video


Who pays the price for a tenant's negligent acts? The property owner.

Here’s the problem: Most renters don’t have renters insurance and those who do, let it lapse. 

Renters Legal Liability protects the property owner.

RLL is a convenient, focused solution that protects property owners from their tenants’ negligent acts. 

RLL protects property owners from the 5 perils

  1. Fire

  2. Water

  3. Smoke

  4. Sewage 

  5. Explosions 

Each year, fire and water alone cause billions of dollars in damages. 

Who’s on the hook for the bulk of the damages? 

That’s right. Property owners. 

So not only does RLL protect your assets but we also increase asset value and income, eliminate subrogation, improve claim loss ratios, elevate compliance, and simplify tracking, and its turnkey.

Protect your assets.

Reduce your out-of-pocket-costs.

RLL - Rethinking risk.

Visit us at RLLinsure.com


Grease Fire Education Video for Apartments


What is Electricity?