Grease Fire Education Video for Apartments
Grease fires are the #1 cause of fires in residences. Unsurprisingly, fire can cause significant personal property damage for you and the units around you, and at RLL, we know that they are the #1 most expensive peril.
So, how do you prevent grease fires?
#1 Never leave an active stove or cooktop unattended.
#2 Never add frozen food to hot grease. In fact, you want to remove as much moisture as possible from your food before cooking it in oil.
#3 Know your oil’s heat rating before you begin cooking, as some oils can withstand higher temps than others before igniting.
#4 Keep flammable items like linens away from the stove, and keep fire retardants like salt, baking soda or a fire extinguisher handy.
#5 Once the stove is cool, clean any grease that has splattered during cooking from the kitchen area including the cooktop, backsplash and counters.
If a grease fire occurs, DO NOT attempt to put it out with water.
Covering a pan with its lid will deprive the fire of oxygen and put it out. Pouring baking soda on it can also put it out, and of course a fire extinguisher works as well, if you have one.
But adding almost anything else such as water, baking powder, or flour will make a grease fire much worse.
Use these tips to help keep you and your property safe.