HandBuiltBrands’ Video Portfolio Skip to Videos All HBB Industrial Energy Oil & Gas Medical 3D Animation, Photorealistic animation, Medical, TightLine - Exodus Evolution 3D Animation, Photorealistic animation, Medical, Exodus Evolution 3D Animation, Medical, RheumaGen Intro video 3D Animation, Medical, Introduction to Nitric Oxide Teaser (1 minute) 3D Animation, Medical, The importance of Nitric Oxide (6 minutes) 3D Animation, Photorealistic animation, Medical, ART BMC - Medical Device Photorealitic 3D Animation 3D Animation, Medical, Live Action, NOviricid - Product Video 3D Animation, Photorealistic animation, Medical, Exodus (introduction) 3D Animation, Photorealistic animation, Medical, Single Use Sterile Packs 3D Animation, Photorealistic animation, Medical, HANDevice technique 3D Animation, Photorealistic animation, Medical, ChiALIF Isometric, Medical, Day-of-procedure patient journey 3D Animation, Medical, Fibroids and UFE - VasCare 3D Animation, Medical, Vein Disease - VasCare Medical, How we fail to heal - Act III Medical, How we fail to heal - Act I & II