
Solar Customer Journey


Congratulations. You're signing up for the simplest solar program in Texas. Period. For your home's individual solar program, three organizations work together to provide you the installation, your solar energy, and your backup grid electricity.

MP2 Energy is your retail electric provider, and you'll receive a monthly bill from MP2 for your grid electricity usage. Your solar panel installer is your solar electricity manager and panel maintenance provider.

And your electricity distribution provider manages the power lines and all of the infrastructure that brings you electricity from the grid.

So let's get started and get those solar panels on your roof.

After the initial site review, the solar company will install your panels.

Next, your installer works with the distribution provider to ensure inspections are performed. If you pass your inspection, the distribution provider installs your new meter and will alert you in the installer that it's safe to turn your system on.

It's important to not turn it on until your distribution provider tells you it's okay. Check.

Now it's time to get generating. The system is now operational, and your solar is making and using clean energy. As your solar panels generate power, that electricity can go to different places, your home or the grid. If the solar power goes straight to your home and you're using exactly the amount that you're generating, you won't use any electricity from the grid at all.

If your solar panels are generating more power than your home is using, then the electricity is exported to the grid. MP2 will credit you for this extra power. But remember, when panels aren't generating enough electricity, you'll need to draw power from the grid. You'll see charges on your bill for this delivered electricity as well as charges for the grid usage from your distribution providers just like you always have.

Have a question and are unsure of whom you should call. Simply visit MP2Energy.com/Solar for a guide.


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