
Simple 3-step Process for Video Production


We have a very simple three-step process for video production: Story, Rapid Prototype, Full Production.

 Think of it as:

  1. Get your story out of your head and on paper. 

  2. Put it in a rough draft so you can see and hear it.

  3. And after it’s right, then you produce it.

The process starts with our story workshop. It’s a meeting or a Zoom call that’s about a 90-minute session and it’s simply a brain dump. We probe, ask questions, and figure out what story you’re trying to tell, and how that will be impactful for your audience.

Then we write the script along with visual descriptions and ideas. Then we review together and iterate until we think it’s right. We’re trying to do in this part of the process is greenlighted as quickly as possible so we can move it into Rapid Prototype

In rapid prototype or RP, we record a scratch voice-over and roughly animate the story, so you can see and hear the message and ensure that it’s right. 

This is the best and one of the last times to edit the audio narrative before Full Production. 

Full Production is one of those things like a duck on water. You, the client, don’t have a whole lot to do during this part of the process except for getting the launch materials ready. Because behind the scenes, our team is hard at work creating a video production that’s going to help you tell your story. 

 So think of this process from left to right as a scale of rough to finished. The amount of production time totally varies but 95% of our videos are done in under 12 weeks. 

1, 2, 3. Simple.


Economics - RLL - Sales Video


What is a Rapid Prototype - HandBuiltBrands