Offshore Emergency Response
If there's an incident in the Gulf of Mexico, we are the only company in the world with a high volume skidded modular well testing package that can be installed on any model vessel, with the versatility and portability to add capacity to handle flow and capture well-controlled scenarios and minimize damage to our environment. PTS is a proud service partner for the WCG Well Containment Group and Response Team. Production Technology and Services Incorporated. Ready to respond.
The PTS Emergency Response Kit is a dedicated, high-rate, portable, severe service well-testing package versatile enough to go anywhere, anytime in the Gulf of Mexico.
From our response facility in Broussard, Louisiana. We have staff available continuously to mobilize the modular equipment package and service personnel necessary to respond to an offshore incident.
The equipment is trucked to the port where they're loaded and brought to the response vessel for rigging up during the transit to the incident site.
The PTS equipment is loaded onto the rig, rigged up, tested and ready to process tens of thousands of barrels of liquids per day and hundreds of millions of cubic feet of gas per day.
At the incident site, the capping stack and riser are lowered into position on the well. Once the capping stack is landed, the diverter bounce to be closed and the well flow will go up the riser to the weld test package.
The liquids flow to the PTS kit, which includes the flow head, manifold, separators, heat exchangers, scrubbers, pumps, and a flare boom and water curtain. The liquid flows through the flow head and manifold into the first separator. Gas liquids and sand are separated in the primary separator. The liquid is sent to tankers and the gas is safely flared. The sand is deposited in cutting boxes for offloading and shipping to a disposal facility.
The liquids are safely captured, the environment is protected and the well is safely controlled during the shut-in process.
High-volume liquids and gas processing, skidded, modular, the only package of its kind in the world. And ready. Always ready.