
Natural Gas Generators - Product Video


Are you spending over forty thousand dollars per month on diesel fuel for your on-site generator? 

Switching your generator to a natural gas unit customized for your well's field gas can save you money on fuel, give you a more reliable power source, less downtime, and limit your flare gas. 

Call Worldwide Power Products at 713-434-2300 or visit our website to learn about natural gas generator rental, lease, or purchase options today.

We customize your package to fit any of your conditions from the cold weather and low methane gas in the Bakken to the hot climates and rich fuel in the Eagle Ford and everywhere in between. Here is how we walk through the process: 

First, we take your fuel specs through the gas analysis taking into account your methane content, fuel BTUs, impurities and water, and the quantity of gas produced. 

In the sizing analysis, we customize the unit needed by finding the right mix according to your past load and gas profile. 

Finally, we outfit the package based on your geography’s seasonal temperature to maximize efficiency and decrease your operation’s downtime. 

Units are outfitted with a freezing weather package, motorized dampers, dual fuel line enclosures, solar protection, or oversized radiators. 

You know what your fuel bills are. If you are spending over forty thousand per month, call us and we can help save you thousands. 

Spend less on fuel, eliminate diesel refills, flare less natural gas, and limit your downtime. 

Don’t spend over forty-k. Call Worldwide Power Products today at 713-434-2300.


Diesel Fuel Polishing - Explainer Video


IP3 - Infinity Power Partners