
Isometric welcome video

Have you ever wondered where your home's electricity comes from, or how your energy provider decides how much to charge you? Or how to get started with renewable energy and make a real difference?

Legacy energy companies might prefer you stay in the dark about this stuff, but we think it's time to turn on the light.

Abacus Energy is a new retail electric provider that's all about empowering you.

We believe Texans deserve transparency about their energy use so you can spot the plan that's right for you, get your truly best rate, and know your energy supply is secure.

We offer customized retail plans with no hassle, provider switching, and unmatched visibility into your power consumption. And because we have granular insight into your energy usage, we can recommend and install a solar system solution that's right for your unique home and consumption profile.

Switch to Abacus today and see how we're raising the bar for energy providers.


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