
Dual Fuel - Explainer Video


Oil & Gas operators that outfit their generators with a dual fuel package save thousands and extend the life of the generators. 

Complement your diesel generator with your well’s field gas today. Call Worldwide Power Products at 713-434-2300. 

On a diesel-only rig, you have fuel, trip and maintenance costs.  

We can install a dual fuel retrofit kit to your unit on-site. By replacing more expensive diesel, your operation will save significantly on fuel costs and diesel truck trip fees. Or we can use LNG if field gas isn’t available. 

And, the more diesel your well allows you to replace, the more you save. 

Our five-phase process ensures a reliable and virtually trouble-free operation. 

After we run a gas analysis, the setup and our install phases, at each well site, our commissioning technician can determine how much natural gas can be substituted for diesel at various loads. 

The final phase is support. Our dealer network in strategic locations can respond to issues quickly. We have full-time technicians ready to assist you. 

Call Worldwide Power Products, install a dual fuel retrofit kit and start saving today. 


Day-of-procedure patient journey


Diesel Fuel Polishing - Explainer Video