
Demand Response for Data Centers

"I mean, really, how cool is this video? When we produced this in April 2015, we also had no idea how important data centers would be to the grid. And it’s where we learned the term island. The detail of power going out, batteries, coming online, and generators kicking up is also so fantastic from an accuracy and education point of view.

This was created as a sales video, something for the Sales Team to use as a cold open at the beginning of a presentation.

But interestingly, it morphed into more of a hero video on a sales page, and it positioned them as an expert in a very niche space. A space that became incredibly profitable over the years.

The intro is a whole lot of fun too. The question we had was how do we make this look super complicated but kind of inside the logo and what we do — and we had the idea of making it sort of a steam punk type of logo execution inside the container of the logo. "


Introducing a better way to manage data center risk with Demand Response. Visit MP2Energy.com/DR for more information.

Reliability. It's at the core of what you do. You've built a data center to deliver exactly that to your customers. You have an under-frequency relay to detect problems in less time than a blink of an eye. You have an uninterruptible power supply and redundant backup generation to protect you when the electrical grid experiences an outage. You've thought through the contingencies, you've trained your staff, and you test your generation, but you still have a problem. Currently, in the case of a real emergency, you expect your redundancy to help you ride through any problems that might occur. Your risk management philosophy is based upon reactive risk management that necessarily entails stressful decision-making when you never have enough time to deal with a fast-developing crisis.

We think there's a better way. Many of the most sophisticated data centers have long recognized that demand response doesn't increase risk. It actually helps decrease it. Demand response gives you advance notice of impending problems on the electrical grid. It gives you valuable time to begin the transition to self-generation.

If you start to island while you still have utility power and something goes wrong. You have more time to correct the problem before the critical loss of power. Proactive response to emergencies increases your ability to safely transition to your own power. There are other benefits as well. The additional curtailment planning to participate in demand response can identify unknown problems in current procedures.

Your demand response participation also helps solve the problem with utility power, shortening the time until reliable utility service is restored. And of course, participating in demand response is a great way to increase your risk management capabilities and lower your energy costs.

Data centers’ inherent redundancy, like battery backup and distributed generation assets, are the perfect fit for demand response.

And remember, participating helps the entire grid's stability. Learn more about demand response for data centers and other viable entities at MP2Energy.com/DR or by calling (832) 510-1030 today.


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