The Long and Short of the Google Core Algorithm Update Named the “Medic Update” on August 1st 2018

The short story:

Google changed their core algorithm starting on August 1st that started promoting websites that Google deemed to have high quality and displayed Expertise-Authoritativeness-Trustworthiness.

The long story…

Let’s break this down:

Core algorithm update - what does that mean?

A core algorithm update only happens a few times a year. While the algorithm/s change a few times a day, testing new things and laying in new stuff, a core algorithm update is a fundamental change going forward.

So, it is going to further Google’s quest to give the most relevant result to its user’s query.

The goog has long said that as a business, if you focus on creating unique, interesting, relevant content you will be “skating where the puck is going.” (My words) In other words, if you’re making content on your website for your audience, then you are doing what you’re supposed to be doing.


Now, the interesting thing is that this update appears to have furthered “authorship.” That is, it’s important that the author be seen as an Expert, Authoritative and Trustworthy.

E-A-T (Expertise-Authoritativeness-Trustworthiness)

So, credentials matter.

Credibility matters.

Associations, affiliations and accreditations matter.

It’s important that the author of the main content of a page be seen as an author that should be trusted.

With that said, the core algorithm update seriously affected Medical/Healthcare websites and other website known as Your Money Your Life websites (YMYL).

Hence, “Medic Update.”


What industries did it impact?

But because it’s called a medic update doesn’t mean that it didn’t cross industries. It did. Big time.

It affected every website we manage, positively and negatively. I’d be lying if I said that we haven’t had some sites in triage mode, to carry the metaphor. Though I will say that we didn’t build those sites, we just started managing ‘em as part of our website management and Google Maps Boost programs. Just sayin.

Content - does the expertise-authority-trustworthiness matter in a given industry. Well, it’s all relative isn’t it?

Do you need an expert to tell you about oral surgery? Yep.

Do you need an expert to tell you about artificial lift solutions for a well? Yep.

Do you need an expert to tell you about what potatoes to buy at the grocery store? Kinda.

So, high E-A-T isn’t crucial in all industries. Hence, the update didn’t affect all sites evenly.

“Promoting websites that Google deemed to have high quality”

Some popped and some dropped.

And even in the sites that popped (I’m talking about 30% traffic increases overnight), we’re still modifying our programs to ensure that the E-A-T of all sites is addressed. That it is crystal clear that someone is an expert in a given field.

And true to our HandBuiltBrands fashion, that they are human, they are smart, and they know what they are doing.

So, if you want to skate where the puck is going, if you want to stay ahead of the search changes, if you want more views, more visits, more money, then you need to invest in content and strategy that clearly communicates what you need to be telling your audience. Something that they can’t hear from someone else. Because you are you, and you do you.


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