Four Bullet Friday Emails


There’s been a lot going on in the last few months at HandBuiltBrands, if you haven’t already heard. Making upgrades, adding people to our team and all sorts of other nifty things have been in the works here.

Most of you know that my dad passed away just before Thanksgiving. He was one of our biggest power readers in general and especially of our Friday emails. My dad always say that an article would lead him to another and then another, over and over again. I would imagine him gently exploring the Internet one page at a time on his iPad because, after all, the Internet isn’t going to read itself, is it?

Readers like him and you are why we would love to start doing our Friday emails regularly once again. I always loved keeping them short, even if they were just monthly, and that’s going to remain the goal as we commit to four, and only four, items of goodness to be delivered to our readers’ inboxes every Friday morning.

Here's the model we're starting with in the Friday morning email reboot (taken from one of the smartest Christmas gift-giving strategies for kids that I've ever heard): Something you want, something you need, something to wear and something to read, or watch -- gotta add that in this golden age of Netflix/Amazon Content, right?

So, say you want or need a high end corporate 3D animation or website (ala shameless plug), you can get going on one by simply using one of the forms in our Friday morning email reboot special.

So, what’s going to be the four bullet Friday goodness this time around?

Something you want: 

Jujitsu from Advanced Ranch Management - A next generation, technology-driven solution to coyote control.

Something you need: 

Trello - When it comes to project management systems, Trello is my first true love and the one I keep coming back to. We've flirted with Basecamp, Teamwork, dapulse and many others that we'd prefer to not mention in mixed company.

Something to wear: 

Free Fly Apparel - Bamboo Hybrid Shorts - these are so darn soft and comfortable. And they don't say quite as much as other "fishing" gear. I'm planning to wear them golfing and all summer long. (The hybrid pants are not as awesome if you start going deep here.) This is also proof that I think I'm the biggest sucker for well done Facebook ads.

Something to read (or watch): 

Covenant Friendship, by Dr. Jim Jackson - Going to give our old pastor at Chapelwood, Jim Jackson, a hearty plug for this. Besides being one of the wisest people I know, Jim talks about a longing and need that we have as humans for not just close friends but covenant friends.

Ones that we can share deep thoughts, fears and connections that go beyond other relationships -- or even what you thought was a close friendship. Probably a reason that therapists are so necessary is that we lack covenant friends.

There's several Biblical examples including Jonathan/David and Ruth/Naomi -- both in Jesus's bloodline to boot. I read this over the Christmas break and wished I hadn't waited as long as I did. Add to List.

Keep your eyes peeled for even more four bullet Friday wonderment coming to your inbox in the upcoming Fridays and thanks, as always, for reading. 


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